Facts Electrosmog
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All artificially generated electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (EMF) are referred to as electrosmog. These fields can be described by their strength (amplitude), their oscillation (wavelength) and number of oscillations (frequency).
A distinction is made between high- and low-frequency fields; they belong – like optical radiation – to non-ionizing radiation.
In contrast to ionizing radiation – for example X-rays – the energy of this radiation is not sufficient to electrically charge – ionize – atoms and molecules.
Nevertheless, this type of radiation can have health consequences [1].
Under certain conditions, so-called resonance effects can occur [2].
Naturally occurring EMF are evolutionary parameters and serve to orientate and control internal bodily functions.
EMFs of technical origin can block natural processes or even completely prevent them [3].
Countless recognized scientists and physicians have been able to prove in the past that electromagnetic fields can have a major impact on human health and the environment.
In the studies and reports of the competence initiative [4, 5],
the BioInitiative Working Group [6],
the European Environment Agency [7],
the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Switzerland [8],
the IARC (WHO) [9],
the National Institute for the Study and Control of Cancer and Environmental Diseases [10] and
other internationally recognized research institutions, the possible health effects of electromagnetic fields on humans are discussed in detail.
[1] Federal Office for Radiation Protection https://www.bfs.de/DE/home/home_node.html [Access date: 09/30/2021].
[2] VARGA, Prof.Dr.Dr.A.; „ELEKTROSMOG – Molecular Biological Proof of the Biological Effect of Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation“ Heidelberg 1995
[3] WARNKE, Dr. re. of course U.; “The potential dangers of electromagentic fields and their effect on the environment” Joint Hearing at the Council Of Europe on September 17th, 2010
[4] HECHT, Prof. Dr. medical K.; „On the consequences of the long-term effects of electrosmog“ series of publications (issue no. 6) of the competence initiative for the protection of people, the environment and democracy e.V.
[5] WARNKE, Dr. re. of course U., HENSINGER, P.; “Increasing burn-out incidence through Technically generated magnetic and electromagnetic fields of mobile and communication radio „environment – medicine – society 01/2013
[6] BioInitiative Working Group; “BioInitiative Report 2012 – A Rational for Biologically-based Exposure Standards for Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation” https://bioinitiative.org/ 2012, [Access date: 09/30/2021]
[7] European Environment Agency; “Late lessons from early warnings” EEA report 01/2013 ISSN 1725-9177
[8] Swiss Confederation; „High-frequency radiation and health – evaluation of scientific studies in the low-dose range.“ Series 22/07 Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, Bern 2007
[9] IARC Monograph Volume 102; „Non-ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields“ International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon 2013
[10] Ramazzini Institute ICEMS Monograph Volume 5 “Non-Thermal Effects And Mechanisms Of Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields And Living Matter” National Institute for the Study and Control of Cancer and Environmental Diseases “Bernardino Ramazzini” Bologna 2010
[11] memon bionic instruments
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