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Selling ist an important skill … everyone can use in almost any situation in life.
Always form the largest intersection of the three similarities. It is the prerequisite to be successful in the sale of your product or service!
1. What you like doing?
Of course, very entrepreneur and every self-employed people wants to win new customers.
But not all of them are equally successful, are they?
What is the secret of success?
On our page I reveral to you which „magic word’s“ we use successfully in customer acquisition.
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Use these „magic words“, and you‘ ll stifle any sales resistance in the bud.
I‘ m about to introduce you to lying „magic words“ that you should incorporate into your communication. This is especially true if you want more – especially if you want to continuously attract customers.
This will make your customer acquisition even more successful.
So let‘ s get right to it …
1. Imagine…
People just love stories.
It‘ s been like that ever since there were humans.
Where people meet, they tell stories. Today we call it „storytelling“.
Even as adults, we learn, comprehend or remember with the help of stories.
A well-known brain researcher, Mr. Gerald Hüther, explained why this it so.
„The best way to remember something is to express it in pictures. We like to think in pictures, because they are emotionally rich.
And the linguistic correspondence of an image is the narrative and the story.
That‘ s why we love to tell stories – in reality, we help each other to create images in our brain.“
And if your customers are part of a story, then the message is much better, will last longer and will convince customers more than any boring presentation.
So, use figurative stories …
… tell the story of another customer (without mentioning the name) and at the end say to your customer: „Imagine, you can experience exacrtly the same thing if you now …“
And the customer is already in the middle of the story, without you punching boring facts and figures around his ears.
2. The word „you“ or the „name“ of the customer
I‘ m sure you know this from your own experience.
You want to buy a new suit and go to a fine men‘ s fashion store.
The seller inquires immediately after your name.
And here we go.
„Mr. Cowboy, what is your favorite color?“
„Mr. Cowboy, should it be elegant or sporty?“
„Mr. Cowboy, can you tell me a person you value because she dressed well?“
You see what? You are constantly approached personally. You‘ re comfortable. You appreciate that.
And when you are addressed with „She“ or „Mr. (your first name)“ in every second sentence You simply feel valued.
So what do you think will happen in the end?
You‘ re going to buy a suit and maybe even spend more money than originally wanted.
And why? You‘ ve been valued several times and repeatedly addressed with „You“ and „Mr. …“
Try it, it works!
3. The word „value“ or “ benefit
We all like have valuable things, don‘ t we?
Therefore, get used to talking about value when you present your product or service.
Make it valueable. Because the customer is not interested in any features, but in the value or benefit.
4. The word „and“
You knew the word „but“. How does it sound to you?
Somehow negative, isn‘ t it? I want to explain it to you, but …
What comes after the „but“ is usually negative.
But what sounds better than „but“? … „AND“ sounds much better than „but“. With „AND“ you signal that something important is coming, something positive.
“ I want to explain it to you, and … „
5. With „Because“ you provide a justification
Harvard psychologist Ms. Ellen Langer made a small experiment and found a very surprising finding: people always want a reason why they should do something.
The word „because“ plays a very important role. Because it introduces the reasoning.
For example: “ I would like to ask you for your advice, because I think you are a very experienced person.“
Ms. Ellen Langer also found out that what comes after the „because“ is not so important at all.
The word „because“ is important. Give it a try.
This is how the exciting experiment went:
In a high-frequency copy room of a large company, where employees regularly had to line up in a queue, Ms. Ellen Langer sent a test person with the words: „May I please go to the copier first?“
In 60% of the cases, people agreed and had the subjects copied first.
In the next step, the subjects asked the following question: „May I first contact the copier because I am in a hurry?“
Now the result with 94% approval was much higher than without the addition: … „because I am in a hurry.“
But the real surprise came whene Ms. Ellen Langer tested this sentence: “ May I please go to the copier first, because I have to make a few copies?“
Although the reasoning was utter nonsense, because everyone in the queue wanted to make copies, the approval was still at 93%.
For Ms. Ellen Langer it was clear: “ Because“ is a successful word in human influence.
Why is that? Because man loves to have a reason for his actions.
Therefore: From now on, use the word „because“ much more often and justify your statements.
6. With „OR“ you give the customer several options
You know this from your own experience.
If you go shopping and the salesman says we only have this model. You have no choice.
You can only choose between buying and not buying. But we humans would like to be able to choose, have alternatives …
It sounds much better when the salesman asks:
„What would you prefer version A or B?
Alternatively you can also choose version C.“
With multiple options, you directly double your chance of a YES.
So, always offer options either A or B …
7. The words „see“, „show“, „hear“ and „tackle“
If you want to buy a new car, not only do you want to see the car, but you also want to sit in it, hear the engine and even drive it yourself, right?
Your customers also want to see, hear, smell and touch as much as possible. By using a pictorial language that appeals to these emotions.
If the customer can touch and smell your products, it is even more convincing.
Let your customers feel , see, smell, feel what they get from you.
8. Use „Powerwords“
Describe your product or service as valueadded as possible by using powerful phrases such as:
excellent, outstanding, enviable, adorable, stunning, fabulous, inspiring, admirable, brilliant, exceptional, high-quality, excellent, great, enviable, radiant, gigantic, ingenious, magical, sensational, grandiose, significant, enchanting, …
9. “ Doing“ is better than „trying“
How does that sound? „We will try.“ Not really convincing, is it?
It sounds much better when you say, „We‘ ll do it.“
That way, you won‘ t let anyone doubt you.
Delete all „possibility words“ such as
„could“, „should“, „must“ and
instead say „We can“, „We will“ …
10. The word „solution“
What do you think if you hear about a problem?
Nothing good, right?
Problem always sounds negative, nobody wants a problem!
So always talk about a solution. Always talk solution-oriented. “The solution for you is. . . ”
“Our solution looks like this. . . ”
“We’ll solve it this way. . . ”
So always talk about a solution. Always talk solution-oriented.
„The solution for your is …“
„Our solution looks like this …“
„We‘ ll solve it this way …“
Let‘ s summarize once again:
With these magical words, your customer acquisation becomes even more successful.
You‘ ll negotiate better and sell more. And you‘ re gonna make more!
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